Welcome to - Kalixon Technologie GmbH!

Quality Control

Leading Global Full Service Distributor,Professional QC team & standardized quality management process!


Our qc inspection ensures that all packaging, labels and components conform with the original manufacturer specifications. Furthermore, our 200x magnification process helps ensure factory original condition of each component.

Consulting Engineering

X-Ray Testing

With the efficiency use of state of the art x-ray testing, we inspect the internal dye to verify the authenticity of the component. Hence, we help to ensure that all components are original and consistent with the original manufacturer specifications.

Consulting Engineering

Tape & Reeling

As an added service, if required, we can tape and reel components in order to save our clients valuable time and money.

Consulting Engineering


Our decapsulation process offers effective decapsulation of ic packages, gaining access to the die inside, necessary for electrical testing, counterfeit prevention, and more.

Consulting Engineering


Our stand-alone chip programmers can verify existing chip data, buffer data to be written to the chip, check whether the chip is empty, or erase the chip.

Consulting Engineering

Component Functional Test

Testing the full functionality of the parts which contained the testing of DC parameters to ensure that the parts has all the required functionality, based on the relevant datasheet.

Consulting Engineering